LAGO Campus

Where ideas are born and take shape



A 13,000 m2 "non-factory": a large house for a family of hundreds, built according to the principles of bio-architecture. The bearer of a LeanThinking useful to produce a sustainable and customisable design, LAGO Fabbrica, permeated by the light of sunsets crossing the transparent perimeter walls, restores authentic vitality, because the man who produces is also the man who consumes. Arch. Italo Chiucchini



Implementation of an ISO 14001 standard environmental management system is the embodiment of our desire to safeguard the environment day in, day out. We have also decided to adopt measures to protect the health and safety of our people, by following an OHSAS 18001 international standard management system.


A space where people, thoughts and ideas move in unison, driven by the desire to create and share. A place dedicated to the entire community through meetings, events and meeting occasions where different styles and personalities converge towards a single, common goal: to make LAGO design resonate.



LAGO Logistics emphasises sustainability and architectural education. The entire wooden structure, the large windows that project the view towards Monte Grappa and the sunshade with 58 strips of different colours, inspired by the work of Gerhard Richter, create a livable and unique architecture, an ideal bridge between the company's roots and future. The new production space explores the lexicon of technological innovation while anchoring itself in the company's craftsmanship and territorial tradition: a pure and monolithic volume, conceived to be in a state of becoming, where the rhythm of nature marks time.



Once inside this closed form, we discover a simple, elegant space. Here, you can feel all of the warmth and tactile sensations of wood in different forms and technologies. This is a place open to change, designed to be in constant progression, growing just as a piece of furniture takes shape with a helping human hand.


Once again, as always, we have put people firmly back in the centre of our project, with their needs and desires. This is the vision behind creation of LAGO Osteria, thought up to improve work and life inside our company. Our new canteen in particular, naturally permeated by LAGO design and managed by a local chef, stands out because it is also and above all a space for sharing, for generating empathy and relations.



When faced with the resolve and determination of nature, we are freed and our minds are pushed beyond the confines of a closed space. Contact with nature’s elements, those same elements that make up the essence of LAGO’s furniture design, creates new connections and energy. LAGO Giardino welcomes its guests with this in mind, into a space designed for leisure and learning, a place with no clear borders, a place to fill with ideas so as to give value to the empty spaces.